Color trends: Green and blue

moodboard green and blue

If classic blue was named color of the year, green is the next one in the list.

Green is the color of nature par excellence and it’s no surprise that it has become one of the colors of the season.

Its connection with the environment and life makes it a color that we are attracted to when we want to feel part of nature — and now more than ever we are starting to see its value.

Green is a color that I’ve seen a lot in the latest fashion weeks both in runway shows and street style. Many times, I saw this color combined with a familiar shade, classic blue.

This color combination of green and blue, it’s not strange at all. Both are colors that represent nature — water, and forests.

Moreover, green is also the color of hope. The hope that we are holding on to these days.

Depending on the shade of green, its meaning will be different but in general terms, we associate green with:

  • Nature
  • Relaxation
  • Youth
  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Adventure
  • Renovation
  • Optimism
  • Harmony
  • Balance